Posted on: February 5, 2023 Posted by: ancients Comments: 0
Health Benefits of Rice Flour:

Gluten-free rice flour

We’ve mentioned this a few times already, but one of the main benefits of rice flour is that it doesn’t contain any gluten because it’s made from gluten-free grains.

This makes it an ideal alternative for people who are gluten-intolerant or have Celiac disease, which is a digestive problem that affects the immune system if gluten is consumed.2

High in protein

Brown flour is high in protein, with brown rice flour reportedly containing a greater amount of B vitamins too.

The reason why brown rice flour contains so much fibre is that the husk of the brain rice is left intact.

In comparison, the husk is removed for white rice production.

High in fibre

Rice flour, particularly brown rice flour, is high in insoluble fibre that helps our bodies get rid of waste.

This means that brown rice flour is a good thing to eat if you’re constipated and want to establish more regular bowel movements.

Eating plenty of fibre can also help lower cholesterol and maintain blood sugar levels.3

Choline content

Choline, which is an essential nutrient for animals and humans, can be found in rice flour.

It plays a key role in transporting cholesterol and triglycerides from the liver and throughout the body.

As a result, it has been linked to supporting liver health.

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