We are very keen on choosing products, packing and deliver it. In extreme conditions due to some transit damages / wrong product/human error in packing / missing product happen, in that we are open to accepting the query from you.

Customers – as you opt to cancel the order before shipping and return the goods if any damage / find some issue in quality and other unsatisfactory reasons. Products with the same value will be shipped again to you.

o Items will be returned in original / received condition.

o You can communicate to customer care through the mail (info@ancients.in) or call (+91 98862 64955) to place return queries and upon considerations, you can send it across or we will be collecting it again which will be decided by the customer care team

o We do not provide refunds but for the value of the product, new products or similar products will be delivered as soon as possible.

o Order cancellation can be made at customer care through the mail (info@ancients.in) or call (+91 98862 64955).

o If any return due to wrong address or non-availability during delivery then you may need to pick up the delivery or at an extra cost it will be delivered again as we are providing a free delivery offer and it can be consumed for a single time only.

o If we found guilty on transactions / returning by any customer then we will discard the order or returns will not be taken.

o Any products returned by you can be evaluated by our product quality team and then eligibility can be decided for replacements.